
Name Changes[]

Type Original Magical DoReMi
Name Weak Point Flower George the Man Eating Plant
Name Majorin Amaretta
Name Nanako Okada Autumn Harrison
Term 7th Exam Flora Test

Paint Edits[]

Original Magical DoReMi
Map used to find Nanako's house. The symbols in the colored spots are removed. But the spots remain.
Okada Household Nameplate Changed to read 'Harrison'
Papers in class Modified to resemble A scored test papers.
Lulu was shown covered in blood and cuts. The cuts were made less severe, while the blood was removed.
Vet Sign Modified to read English.
Dog Poster and Chart Modified to remove writing.

Dialogue Changes[]

Original Magical DoReMi
Mota and MotaMota won a 3-day trip to a hot springs from a lottery. They were visiting the Luna Spa.
Doremi exaggerates her disappointment over the exam, making the duo feel ashamed. Dorie brings up the Witches Council on the subject and wonders what they think.
The girls fell over in disbelief after the duo decided to let them pass their exams without taking them. Instead, the older witches say they made the girls do it, so that they look exhausted from having taken the exam.
After their test, Doremi suggests they go sightseeing. Dorie mentions that because nobody is watching them, they should go off to have some fun.
Hazuki mentions knowing Nanako since first grade. Reanne brings up the time someone brought a pet to class, and how much Autumn loved it.
As Doremi and Aiko sneak around, Hazuki is saddened since they can't determine why Nanako hates animals now. Reanne questions what Dorie and Mirabelle were doing.
Hazuki tells Nanako she has to leave with her dad for a while, so she wants her to watch Lulu. Reanne claims to be watching a brown rabbit at home.
Nanako calls Lulu "useless" after she knocks down her garbage can. Autumn asks her what she was doing.
Aiko points credit to Yuki-sensei for the idea of giving the bunny to Nanako. It goes to Reanne instead.
The girls were terrified over Hazuki risking throwing away her life for Lulu. They were concerned over the injuries she received in place of Lulu.
The doctor tells the girls the bleeding stopped and surgery went fine. He mentions how long the surgery took.

Majorika was confused as to why Hazuki wasn't near-death for using Forbidden Magic.

She wonders why she caught a cold, rather than suffer from injuries like the bunny.
Hazuki is forbidden to use magic for a week and the Queen says goodbye before she leaves. It is for ten days instead, and she warns Patina to hide because she hears someone coming.
Nanako thanks Hazuki for what she did, and how because of her she loves animals again. The girls make a few jokes over the flowers Autumn chose to get for her.

Skipped Scenes[]

Original Magical DoReMi
There is a slow pan of the camera showing Lulu's dog house. The dub cut this scene.
Right before Lulu is hit by the vehicle, a red flash appeared on screen. The shot of Lulu running into the street was removed, as was Nanako crying and the stick she threw leading to it.
Yuki-sensei talks to the girls and offers them advice, revealing its her idea to give Nanako the bunny. This scene was cut.

Lulu's "accident" on Nanako's bed.

Hazuki calls Aiko and Doremi when Lulu goes missing and she tries comforting Nanako. Then the trio get together and try to determine what to do. These scenes were cut.